If you notice, on the bottom of the Everydayfinance site, there's a sitemeter button. If I click on this, I can log in and view all my statistics. Other visitors can click on it and sign up for just visit their site directly ( It's a great tool to track and monitor your traffic and it's free! The free version is somewhat toned down, as they offer a pay service which is more powerful and customizable, but for my purposes, the free one it just fine. The
Here's a screen shot of a typical report:

I'll just add one more, which shows where the traffic is coming into your site. This one is logical, since my more recent post was on international real estate investment trusts which trounce the returns of the major market indices. It's intuitive to assume that most of your traffic will come through you most recent posts (more later on how to promote those posts and get regular subscribers/readers of your content), but occasionally, I'll notice an anomaly where previous posts are garnering a surprising amount of traffic compared to recent posts. This is attributed to a few different things. First, it could be that an older post was particularly interesting to people and a few email lists went around discussing the post. That contributes to a bit of a lag (or prolonged performance) in traffic for an older post. Another thing I do occasionally is reference an older post (when appropriate, not ad nausea) in a current post. After reading the current post, some readers will go back and check out an older, related post.
- Very user friendly
- Easy to read summary screen
- Detailed info on who's visiting your site, how long, etc.
- Can have site traffic reports emailed automatically daily
- Can share all your statistics with site visitors if desired.
- A site traffic predictor which will telegraph your traffic for the next week, month, etc. based on recent traffic patterns.
- The free version is a bit stripped down, limited reports/analysis
- No ability to trend back in time (only recent data available)
- Not customizable
Google Analytics:
This site is a little more complex, but also free. In my view, there are way more subcategories than are necessary; for me, some of them don't even return any relevant information. But I would say it's as good or better than sitemeter in several respects. Primarily, you can trend back to any timeframe desired with a handy calendar function. This is good when you notice an interesting trend and want to go back to a previous week and look for similar trends. There's a nice analysis on which of your pages people are most likely to exit from and similarly, which sites the traffic is coming from.
Here's a screen shot of the traffic patterns:
Bottom line, I'd just sign up for both since they're free. Some days I like the quick summary page, so I log into sitemeter. Other days, I want a nice graphical trend of my traffic and a review of longer-term traffic patterns; hence analytics. Try them both out and report back in comments section on any neat tips/tricks findings.
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